Tag: star circle
Cathedral Lake
The drive to Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite is a minimum of 5 hours from our house. Add to that a 3 hour hike, a bit of sitting around, another hike and another drive and you get 18 hours door-to-door. That’s how long it took us to capture this picture. We think it was worth it. You…
Tutorial: Capturing The Lunar Eclipse
Buy this print here. We’re honored, thank you. The above image, while not exactly viral, has netted 5000 views in 2 days. That’s a record for us here at ScaresMe. So, to repay your kindness, we thought we’d document how we processed the image. That way, when the next one occurs (September 28th 2015) you…
Tutorial: Turning Star Trails into Comets (with Twinkles!)
Star trails can get boring. Let’s make twinkling comets! But first here’s a story for you. Back in the day, in darkest Winter, the Rangers at Yosemite National Park used to build a big fire on top of Glacier Point and when it was good & hot, they’d push it over the cliff and give…
Burning at the night garden
Our friends at the Star Circle Academy were kind enough to let us play with fire again. The trip to the beach was a hoot, as 15 or so new friends learned how to burn and spin steel wool & magnesium, how to use light painting to plant a night garden, and generally improved their…
4 Days In Death Valley
[wzslider autoplay=”true”] We were delighted to be invited on a sleep depriving, dust breathing, 4 day shooting marathon in California’s Death Valley. This post documents the ordeal and showcases, what we’re sad to admit, are less than stellar photographs. Day 1. We arrive in Las Vegas as the light is fading. Not bothering with the…
Fire Painting Class 101
I am delighted to announce that the Star Circle Academy was stupid enough to let me co-host another ‘light painting with fire’ event with Eric. We spent Friday night on the beach with a brace of fire lovers burning things and capturing the results in full color glory. Light painting is cool. Painting with fire…
Under the fire red umbrella
The Star Circle Academy recently invited Eric and I to burn some stuff for them. And so on a warm Friday evening, 20 people climbed down on to the beach in Santa Cruz and proceeded to make mayhem. Steel wool (wire wool if you’re British), magnesium, lighter (BBQ) fluid, flash lights (torches), and all manner…