Man Liberty

Fire Painting Class 101

Man Liberty
Man Liberty

I am delighted to announce that the Star Circle Academy was stupid enough to let me co-host another ‘light painting with fire’ event with Eric. We spent Friday night on the beach with a brace of fire lovers burning things and capturing the results in full color glory.

Light painting is cool.

Painting with fire is even more so.

During this outing we did both with a heavy leaning towards things that burn.

Part one: The class started with a talk on the basics of light painting. We covered the tools and methods people need. Where the tools are custom built, we showed them how to make their own, and how to blend these tools with props to get the perfect image. We talked about the ideal camera settings, what happens when you change the settings in your camera, and what not to do.

Part two: We showed a few example photos and discussed how to replicate those as an instructor lead tutorial.

Part Three: Time for their imagination run wild when we aimed to replicated their favorite photos in as creative a manner as possible.

The students are posting their remarkable pictures here for you to enjoy.

Thanks all for attending.


Come on, talk to us!