Tag: wire wool
Tutorial: Building the ‘Mega Light Wand 2000’ light painting tool
When you first get in to Cold Cathode light painting your ambitions will be small. You’ll be impressed when you’ve finally worked out how to take something that normally fits inside your souped-up computer and turned it in to something that works in an abandoned warehouse late at night. The kit usually contains at least…
Tutorial: Painting With Fire Video
I get asked all the time to show how I make fire pictures. Well thanks to the amazing directorial and camera skills of my lovely wife, I here present a brief look at fire blowing, throwing, and spinning. We use road flares, steel / wire wool, magnesium, hairspray and corn flour. Epic is probably the…
Under the fire red umbrella
The Star Circle Academy recently invited Eric and I to burn some stuff for them. And so on a warm Friday evening, 20 people climbed down on to the beach in Santa Cruz and proceeded to make mayhem. Steel wool (wire wool if you’re British), magnesium, lighter (BBQ) fluid, flash lights (torches), and all manner…
Sutro Baths and Bird Crap
The Bay Area Night Photo group met recently at Sutro Baths in San Francisco. Once upon a time the place was magnificent, now it’s just a pile of decaying concrete. Which makes it perfect for setting fire to! One day I’ll show you how we make these fireworks. In the meanwhile I’m sure a…
Tutorial: Neighing in the rain (white balance)
It’s all about the crop or It’s all about the temperature I posted the below picture last week. I was very unhappy with it at the time but I couldn’t work out how to make it better. Thanks to May‘s version of the image, I now know what I was doing wrong. The above picture…
Slinging Fire in the Fog
The above photo is not mine. It was taken by May Wong. She kindly allowed me to showcase it here, I’ll explain why in a mo. Here’s her Facebook page. For a while now Eric and I have talked about teaching a light painting class, and while nothing has come of it, we have used…
Stars and Fireworks – 3x Published Picture!
I love this picture. I took it a while back on the beach in Santa Cruz, while surrounded by high kids asking “hey man, that’s cool. What ya doin? Wanna smoke with us?”. It’s actually two spins that meshed together nicely – one towards the camera, the other perpendicular. It’s somewhat unusual in that I…