Tag: burning

  • Tutorial: Burning Aerosols Over a Naked Flame

    Tutorial: Burning Aerosols Over a Naked Flame

    Now you’ve seen the video of me playing with fire, and you read the article about how to make giant fireballs with cornflour, the obvious next question is, how do you burn aerosols such as hairspray? That’s what we’re going to answer to day. And be warned, this one gets hot. This is the picture…

  • Tutorial: Making a Huge FireBall

    Tutorial: Making a Huge FireBall

    By now you’ve watched the video of me burning stuff but you really want more info right? So here it is, the lighting and photoshop how-to of making a huge fireball from cornflour. This is the photo we’re going to create. Firstly, obviously you need a willing model. The more attractive and sexually charged the…

  • Under the fire red umbrella

    Under the fire red umbrella

    The Star Circle Academy recently invited Eric and I to burn some stuff for them. And so on a warm Friday evening, 20 people climbed down on to the beach in Santa Cruz and proceeded to make mayhem. Steel wool (wire wool if you’re British), magnesium, lighter (BBQ) fluid, flash lights (torches), and all manner…

  • Tutorial: Neighing in the rain (white balance)

    Tutorial: Neighing in the rain (white balance)

    It’s all about the crop or It’s all about the temperature I posted the below picture last week. I was very unhappy with it at the time but I couldn’t work out how to make it better. Thanks to May‘s version of the image, I now know what I was doing wrong. The above picture…

  • Suicide is Painless

    Suicide is Painless

    I found myself in a hotel room, sightly drunk of course, with nothing to do. Handily, I’d lugged a flash and some EL wire along for the ride, and to bastardize the Hitchhiker‘s quote “you’re never alone with EL wire”. My weird mind led me to the conclusion that I should spend the evening trying…