Pretty Ugly People

Gurning02In the UK there’s a tradition called gurning. It’s the ‘art’ of making really ugly faces for sport. We even have competitions to find the ugliest face in the village. An old man with no teeth always wins.

Anyway, back in July 2011 I worked at a company called LogLogic. The people there were cool enough to let me play with their egos – I held a gurning competition.

I constructed a very unsafe light ring out of a hula-hoop, 16 household light bulbs and lots of tape, and set about making them ugly. The photo above is me. I didn’t win.
Click the image below to see some of the results. You won’t be disappointed!

Please hold caller...





One response to “Pretty Ugly People”

  1. […] recall that a while back I built a continuous light ring for my Pretty Ugly People study: I used that on myself and produced this very red (damn you auto white-balance!) […]

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