This tutorial is about an image we made back in November 2011, when we were fortunate enough to find ourselves relaxing in Fiji.
The image was actually a lot harder on Deanna than it was on me. All I had to do was sit on the helicopter landing pad and bark orders. She, poor thing, had to run around changing clothes, posing, and generally becoming uncomfortable as the morning sun rose to baking proportions.
As I say in the video, a shot like this only happens with planning. You need to know in advance what it is you’re trying to achieve and then you have to be organized. Multiplicity, or one photo where the same person appears multiple times, is generally simple to do.
You start with a simple image like this one, where the person doesn’t interact with his / her self.

Then move on to something a little more odd, like this one. (Antelope Canyon Goddess tutorial here.)

Next, is the more complex, but still simple shot that is the subject of today’s tutorial

I’ve seen images on Flickr of people wrestling themselves; throwing balls to themselves, and even making love (weird). The point is this, there’s tonnes of stuff you can do with this, it just gets harder and harder.
Here’s today’s tutorial. It starts out a tad dark – sorry about that, we’re not video people. Oh and the horse is hoarse. He’s getting over a bad cold.
Thank you.
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