We’re off up a big mountain soon and figured it would be cool to film the whole process. The hike should take 3 days so there’s no point making a movie, instead stop motion is required. We’re going to carry two cameras for this, one pointing where we’re going, the other where we’ve come from.
Building the rig should be simple. We’re not sure how we’re going to get three days’ power to the things yet but experiments are underway in the ScaresMe Labs.
Watch the video and see how we make this versatile harness (rig).

And here’s the naked version of the harness in both its single and dual camera operating modes.

Tune back in later to see how we get power to this thing.
Thanks for stopping by.
This rig caused us all sorts of pain so we redesigned it. Here’s the new version.
Come on, talk to us!