We’ve never done this before, but here goes. All the pictures and links you’re about to see belong to someone else. That someone is Darren Pearson, known on Flickr as DariusTwin. Now where we build tools that make light patterns, and our new friend Stuart makes pictures appear from nowhere in a studio, Darren makes art using a whole city as his backdrop.
Check out this alien attack on what I assume is San Diego.
This is what happens when he goes camping
Aliens also visit him in the desert
He even gets so see the rare giant snails of Death Valley’s racetrack
Of course, it’s not all fun, sometimes he sees dead people too.
Though they’re often accompanied by angels
Darren is nice enough to publish videos of how he makes these images, Check them out here, there’s even a look at the tools he uses here.
You can buy Darren’s work here or just visit his website if you like.
Anyway, as we said, we don’t normally highlight the work of others, but Darren is a worthy exception.
And just to blow your mind…

(more here)
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