Tag: night photo
Burning at the night garden
Our friends at the Star Circle Academy were kind enough to let us play with fire again. The trip to the beach was a hoot, as 15 or so new friends learned how to burn and spin steel wool & magnesium, how to use light painting to plant a night garden, and generally improved their…
One Night Of Good Carma
CARMA is the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy. Bet you’re pleased you now know that! We were under the impression that you could see it from the side of highway 395, south of Bishop CA, and north of Big Pine. Our plan was that we’d jump a fence and spend a night avoiding…
Sutro Baths and Bird Crap
The Bay Area Night Photo group met recently at Sutro Baths in San Francisco. Once upon a time the place was magnificent, now it’s just a pile of decaying concrete. Which makes it perfect for setting fire to! One day I’ll show you how we make these fireworks. In the meanwhile I’m sure a…