Tag: magnesium
Burning at the night garden
Our friends at the Star Circle Academy were kind enough to let us play with fire again. The trip to the beach was a hoot, as 15 or so new friends learned how to burn and spin steel wool & magnesium, how to use light painting to plant a night garden, and generally improved their…
Tutorial: Painting With Fire Video
I get asked all the time to show how I make fire pictures. Well thanks to the amazing directorial and camera skills of my lovely wife, I here present a brief look at fire blowing, throwing, and spinning. We use road flares, steel / wire wool, magnesium, hairspray and corn flour. Epic is probably the…
Under the fire red umbrella
The Star Circle Academy recently invited Eric and I to burn some stuff for them. And so on a warm Friday evening, 20 people climbed down on to the beach in Santa Cruz and proceeded to make mayhem. Steel wool (wire wool if you’re British), magnesium, lighter (BBQ) fluid, flash lights (torches), and all manner…
Slinging Fire in the Fog
The above photo is not mine. It was taken by May Wong. She kindly allowed me to showcase it here, I’ll explain why in a mo. Here’s her Facebook page. For a while now Eric and I have talked about teaching a light painting class, and while nothing has come of it, we have used…