Tag: bath
Tutorial: I finally ‘get’ flash!
Break out the freakin Champagne!! It’s only taken a year. On Wednesday I attended yet another off camera flash course. Just like all the others the presenter (who did a great job) talked about the inverse square law, about f-stops and just photo stuff. This time he said something that no ones else has ever…
Sutro Baths and Bird Crap
The Bay Area Night Photo group met recently at Sutro Baths in San Francisco. Once upon a time the place was magnificent, now it’s just a pile of decaying concrete. Which makes it perfect for setting fire to! One day I’ll show you how we make these fireworks. In the meanwhile I’m sure a…
Glamour N Grime – Published Photo
As Robbie Williams said when EMI purchased his music, “I’m rich beyond my wildest dreams!” That’s right, the Austrian Tourist Board just PAID me, so they can use a shot I took a while ago, as an advert to encourage people to visit, and to hike in their country. Of course, the slight difference between…