Some people are smarter than me. I know it. I’m ok with it. The way I see the world, we all have our role. Steven from Star Circle Academy and Phil McGrew are two such people.

They worked out that if you stood in just the right spot, at just the right time, on just the right day, the moon would descend from the heavens and land perfectly on top of the famous Pigeon Point Lighthouse.
Of course, they tried to explain the science to me, but I totally ignored them – sometimes in life I’m happy to be a tourist.
So at 3:45 AM (on a school day too!) I arose from my sleepy bed, made a nice thermos of tea, drove the 90 minutes to the perfect spot, and stood there all expectant like. Steven explained that this was his TENTH time trying so I shouldn’t get my hopes up. But what ‘ya know, the moon slowly fell from the sky, gliding at 37 or so degrees, getting larger and more orange as it descended, and bingo. Right on top of the lighthouse.
A hole in one.
I must be Steven’s luck charm. If you see me in Vegas ask me to blow on your craps dice. You’ll not regret it.
Steven’s shot here and here along with the story of the 10.
Phil’s shot here and the story of two phallic symbols.
Alex’s shot here.
The photo at the top of the blog is worth clicking on in my opinion because it shows just how mind bogglingly hard the prediction was.
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