‘Twas a dark and stormy night.
Or something like that. Certainly there was a bump, something in the force that only Obi could feel, and crawling on the planet’s face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time, and lost in space.
Well maybe.
In what just might be the most brilliantly nerdy murder mystery ever, Adobe has launched a Halloween game. Poor old Professor Photoheim, the wealthy photographer and digital imaging artist, has been found dead at a party and Photoshop experts like you need to help solve the mystery.
Do you have any tattoos? Give yourself to absolute pleasure. Chill me, thrill me, fulfill me. Creature of the night!

This week Adobe released a case study of last years game. The facts quite impressive. 22,000 people played the 3 day long game. There we’re over 1 million impressions – what is that? Facebook page hits? But by far the most impressive part of this experience is that we’re showcased!
Ok, so it’s not the most impressive but still, we’re right there in the video at 2:37. View the video here http://awards.edelmandigital.us/adobe-murder-mystery/
Photoshop Halloween Murder Mystery Case Study from Edelman West on Vimeo.
Come on, talk to us!